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What is Jin Shin Jyutsu® ?

"The Art of  Compassionate Being"

as taught by

Juri Muroi and Mary Burmeister


Jin Shin Jyutsu® , JSJ, awakens, balances and invigorates the body's vital energy (also known as chi, ki, prana, and sekhem in other languages) along specific established circulation pathways called 'Flows' that feed life to every cell in the body. These Flows move through the body in a system as organized as that which is known to exist for the Nervous System, Lymphatic System, and Circulatory System.   



There are 26 bi-lateral potent energy sites, the size of your palm, on the body creating a total of 52 plus some 'high and low' locations along the Flows patterns. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, these potent energy sites are called 'Safety Energy Locks' or SELs.  These SELs act as "fuses' to the the electrical system of the body. 

When one becomes congested, it presents with a sensation like tenderness or discomfort, alerting us to slow down and pay attention.  When we ignore the subtle messages to stop and harmonize our energy and change behaviors,

 overtime, a damning effect disrupts the pathway, leading to louder and more serious consequences. 

The hands acting as "jumper cables" are placed upon these potent energy locks in combination and  held until the energy pulsation harmonizes.  The circuit balances and the body-mind-spirit naturally adjust to the free flowing energy. 


We simply start where we are. 

Just as a baby sucking her thumb is telling us what she needs: real flowing energy or digestive help, you have already begun to harmonize your life energy with the way you intuitively place your hands on your body or hold a finger.  

Nothing is more powerful then the Innate Intelligence of the body.


The body of knowledge which comprises Jin Shin Jyutsu®  is comprehensive in its application and its origin.  It encompasses ancient Oriental healing traditions, as well as Tibetan, Hindu, Mediterranean and Native American traditions.  As part of its understanding of healing systems, JSJ incorporates not only the concepts of a "universal life source", "12 organ flows" and the "five elemental theory",

but also healing aspects of

colors, musical notes, seasons, aromas, numerology and astrology. 

Self-help is a special and very important part of Jin Shin Jyutsu

and is surprisingly simple to do. Dottie offers easy holds you can do daily for yourself, specific to your needs.  

Classes are taught in a simple, accessible way for everyone.



We function best when our internal (subtle) energy flows freely.



Frequently Asked Questions



What happens during a JSJ session?


First, your Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner will talk with you about your health history and health goals.  She will check your wrist energy pulse, other energy assessment tools, intuition, experience and considering your personal 'projects' to reveal your "Highest Priority Flows" needed in the moment. This provides a very individualized session. 

To begin, you will remove jewelry, shoes, belt and lay on a comfortable treatment table while fully clothed. You will lay face up and covered with a light blanket and eye bag. Soft music and lighting, and special attention to your body temperature comfort level.  


The practitioner will place her fingertips/hands -non-invasive, gentle to minimal pressure- upon the energy locks in a certain sequence laid out in the JSJ workbooks.  When the energy pulsations align and a harmonious rhythm is felt, the practitioner moves a hand (an acupuncturist moves needles) to the next Energy Site in the Flow Sequence, opening the flow of energy.  

The practitioner is not the 'doer".  There is no giving, pushing or channeling of energy to you.  Energy is simply being balanced within you.  The body-mind-spirit naturally adjust and integrate. 

The receiver may feel and experience a deeper breath, energy tingling, energy move, leg or arm twitch or stomach gurgling.  Colors and visions may appear or even a feeling of "some experience or someone from the past released".  The receiver shifts into a deeply relaxed state.  All thought may be suspended and enter a sensation of timelessness.  Sometimes the experience is profound and other times, subtle.  Yet, you can be sure, energy is harmonizing and benefit is received.


What do you mean by 'projects"?


Jin Shin Jyutsu philosophy understands the power words have in our life.  Saying the word "problem" immediately places us in a struggle.  When we use "scary labels" or "diagnosis", fear arises and keeps us in resistance and our vibration low, impending our ability to heal and even exasperating the disharmony. 

Mary Burmeister, The Japanese-American who brought JSJ to America, speaks of fear being worse than the dis-ease. 

In JSJ, we prefer to use the word 'projects'.  Projects are open and creative.  The word 'projects' brings focused energy into the solution.  


How long does a session last ?


Sessions last approximately 60 - 75 minutes including self-help specific for your daily care.

Children and frail individuals sessions last about 20 minutes.

How do I prepare for a session?


It is helpful to not eat heavily or drink caffeinated beverages within 2 hours before your session.    For optimal results, avoid a heavy meal after as well.  Drink water to hydrate and stay grounded.

Please do not wear anything scented.

What do I wear?

You will remain in clothes for your session covered with a light sheet or blanket.  Wear comfortable, breathable clothes and be ready to remove shoes, belts, bracelets, watches and dangly earrings.

Who can receive a Jin Shin Jyutsu session?


Anyone. Any age. Any condition. 


Anyone with a sudden or long standing condition.  Considering the non-invasive and gentle application, even the frailest individual can receive a session. 

It causes no harm; only benefit.  JSJ cultivates inner transformation.  So anyone seeking awareness and change in their lives.  

Anyone wanting to stay healthy, keep immune system strong and use as a preventive aid.

Could JSJ help with mental emotional issues, such as trauma?

This work can facilitate the release of the effects of psychological and physical trauma in the body.  Harmonizing the autonomic nervous system begins to resolve shock and trauma and rewire neural pathways for resilience.  Working together with a practitioner and the self-help daily application and your breath, you can begin to shift out of the fight-flight-frozen states and into the present moment; allowing the steady progression of peace and calm.


How does Jin Shin Jyutsu differ from other energy modalities?

First, the similarities of all energy modalities are to harmonize the subtle energy of the body, creating relaxation and promoting the body's natural capacity to heal.

-In JSJ the practitioner is not the 'do-er'.  There is no directing, pushing or channeling of energy. Energy is simple being balanced within you.  

-Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions are very individualized.  There is no general routine.  For example, one person that comes in with a headache may need the Liver Flow. And another individual may need 5,6,7,8 sequence or the Main Central to harmonize the headache.  

-Jin Shin Jyutsu training is not taught in levels but is circular in nature. There is no advancement. Mary Burmeister speaks of Jin Shin Jyutsu as 'worlds within worlds.'  The 5 day Basic is required to attend 3 times to be a 'practitioner' and Special Topic classes are offered.

Students return again and again to expand their awareness and understanding and for the camaraderie of being around other JSJ enthusiasts. (and of course, to give and receive) 

-The JSJ practitioner shares simple self-help holds for you to continue to harmonize and bring yourself into balance daily. No classes are necessary to begin self-help.    



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